West London Free School is proud of its achievements in Art. Examples of our work in this department can be found via the links below.
Art Department Website
The Art and History of Art Department are pleased to announce their newly updated website:
Art Department Instagram
Click the image above to visit our Instagram page.
Art Scholarship (16+)
At WLFS, the Art Department is looking for committed young people who meet the normal academic requirements of the school but who also demonstrate a strong artistic sensibility through creativity, imagination and independence. Applicants should also be able to show an appreciation of visual culture in the world around them that goes beyond the daily school curriculum. Having registered for the Sixth Form, students can then apply for this exciting new Art Scholarship. Please follow this link for further details.
RA Young Artists 2022
RA Young Artists 2022:
The Mercers' Company - Changing the Picture
Mercer Hall, one of the Livery Companies in the City of London has an extensive art and object collection and has a history of philanthropic ventures, especially in education. They have teamed up with The National Portrait Gallery to showcase some of its work whilst the NPG is closed for refurbishment.
A selection of Year 8 were given a talk in the Autumn term by curators and educators from the NPG and Mercer Hall. This dynamic partnership between Mercer Hall and The NPG is an unusually creative one so a short film was made about it with our very own pupils from WLFS being filmed studying and discussing the famous artworks and objects enabling a fantastic blending of art and history. Each object we looked was connected to the paintings in the room from portraits of Winston Churchill to Sir Thomas Moore. Pupils were able to handle the original photos from Edward VII's coronation, a Book of Hours dating from the 15th Century and a Royal charter from James 1 with his own seal to name but a few. It was a very exciting day.
Please follow this link to view the film: The Mercers’ Company - Changing the Picture on Vimeo
Sovereign Art Prize
We had 5 Year 13 art students who were selected this year for the prestigious Sovereign Art Foundation Prize again. Last year Fritzie won the Public Vote Prize twice for both the London Competition and the Global competition. The two other students, Lily and Theo also sold their work in the exhibition.The Sovereign Art Foundation (SAF) is a charitable organisation that was founded in 2003 with a well-defined twin focus: to recognise contemporary art talent around the world and bring the proven benefits of expressive arts to disadvantaged children.
With a large amount of school submissions, Selina CV, Monty H, Luisa V, Ella M and India D were shortlisted and exhibited with the 15 other finalists at The Philips Auction house in Berkley Square. We had the most entries from all the schools that entered from across London.
You can see the work at:
Blurb Books
View a collection of our work in Blurb Books by clicking on the image above.