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WLFS Secondary

The Knowledge Schools Trust

We aim to provide children with a classical liberal education, regardless of background or ability.

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WLFS PTA (Parent Teacher Association) 

Who are we?

The WLFS Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a registered charity (number 1165365) with two main aims:

1)To organise and run activities and social events which:  

- bring benefit to the school's pupils, staff or parents/carers and/or 

- Raise funds to be spent on the school's enrichment, to advance its pupils' well-being and education; 

2) Develop the relationship between staff, parents/carers, the local community, and others associated with WLFS. 

What do we do?

Each academic year, parents/carers are elected onto the PTA committee. The committee meets regularly with the purpose of organising events and seeking sponsorship and donations.

The committee organises the Summer Festival, raffles, leavers’ events, auctions, quiz night and more, as well as providing refreshments/bars for school events.

All money raised enriches and supplements the educational offering for our students and fills funding gaps. 

WLFS staff submit funding requests which the committee discuss and vote on, providing thousands of pounds of additional funding each year to the school. 

Second-hand Uniform

We run a second-hand uniform ‘shop’.

Donations of clean uniform in good condition are encouraged from parents and can be left in the school office at any time.

Orders for uniform can be made by filling in this simple form (please click link).

WLFS Pre-Loved Uniform Shop

You will receive an email letting you know when the item is available to collect.

Once your child collects their item, if it fits, parents are encouraged to donate via Arbor - please head to the "School Shop Products" and click on "PTA Second Hand Uniform". If the item does not fit, simply return to school. 

Suggested donations: 

Blazer £15

PE Jumper / Grey Jumper £10

Other sportswear £5 

Grey trousers and skirts £5

We sometimes hold live second-hand uniform sales and dates for these will go out in the weekly Families’ Update.

Upcoming PTA events  2024-25 

Dates will be decided and advertised soon. Watch this space!

Fundraising over the last year (2023-24)

In the previous academic year, the PTA raised around £21,000 and contributed around £15,000 to the school. We also, at the start of the new year, contributed £5,000 towards the new canopy.

Available funds stand at around £22,000 (as of Sept ’24). 

All school funding requests were approved with the exception of a large bid for a subscription to a mental health support provider.

How was funding allocated? 

Funds were used to support the school in a huge number of ways, with some examples listed below: 

  • Support for STEM week
  • Subsidies for multiple trips including choir trips, theatre visits, language trips abroad.
  • Funding for Y11 and 13 graduations.
  • Playground planters and plants
  • Resources for student productions
  • Subscriptions for educational periodicals
  • Textbooks
  • Author visits
  • Sports day medals 

Committee Members 2023-24

Chair: Alison Lakey (Y7 and Y9 parent)

Vice Chair: Emily Hammersley (Y7 and Y8 parent)

Treasurer: Fiona McQuillan (Y9 & 11 parent)

Secretary: Claire Taylor (Y13 parent)

Honor Mercer (Y10 & Y8 parent)

Isabelle Magambo (Y9 sibling)

Hannah Izbicki (Y8 & 10 parent)

Julie Weir (Y7 & 9 parent)

Angela Paterson (Y7 parent)

Jenny Ilderton (Y7 parent

Join us!

We welcome and value help from all members of our community.

If you would like to offer help, or get in touch for any reason please email us. pta@wlfs.org

We have an informal ‘community group’ of parents on WhatsApp. On this group, requests for assistance for various events goes out. If you'd like to join this group, use the QR code below.


WhatsApp Year groups are used widely by the PTA for communications.  If you are not a member of your relevant year group, contact other parents for a link, or email us and we can help.

    Follow us on Instagram   @wlfs_pta 



Please register at Easyfundraising www.easyfundraising.org.uk and nominate the ‘WLFS PTA’ as your chosen charity. All retailers listed will donate a percentage of what you spend. Follow this link: 



A copy of our constitution can be accessed here.    

Minutes AGM September 2024 can be accessed here