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WLFS Secondary

The Knowledge Schools Trust

We aim to provide children with a classical liberal education, regardless of background or ability.

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School Policies

If you would like paper copies of any of the information on the WLFS website, please contact Robert Peal (r.peal@wlfs.org). 


If your child has a Special Educational Need or a Disability you will be invited to book an individual appointment with the SEND Co-ordinator to discuss provision for your child in more detail. Click here for some FAQs about the school's SEND provision.

Pupil Safety

Pupil Safety is one of our primary concerns. Many of our policies are specifically focused on ensuring that our pupils are safe and secure during the school day.  Specific policies such as our approach to managing child protection, bullying or behaviour are available for download via the links below. We have invested significantly in developing our approach to Pastoral Care and ensuring that our form tutors provide the appropriate support to pupils as they progress through the school.  

School Meals

All children will be expected to eat school meals. This is to ensure that every pupil enjoys a good-quality, nutritious meal each day, at the same time as learning about eating in a social setting. 

Pick Up and Drop Off Policy

Parents are welcome to drop their children off and pick them up, but we would ask them not do so by car under any circumstances. Planning conditions across all our sites means that we have made a commitment to the local community not to cause additional car traffic in the immediate vicinity of our school.

Policy Documents 

Admissions Arrangements 2025-26

Assessment and Reporting Policy


Behaviour, Anti-Bullying, Rewards, Appearance and Uniform Policy

Charging & Remissions

Safeguarding Policy

Complaints Procedure

Homework and Feedback Policy

Locker Acceptable Use

Looked After Children Policy

Mobile Phone

Pastoral Care

Provider Access Policy

Pupil ICT and Social Media Acceptable Use Policy

Relationship and Sex Education

Sixth Form Admissions Policy 2025-2026

Special Education Needs & Disability


Trust wide policies are available on the Knowledge Schools Trust website

Employment Policies

General Policies

You can find our Complaints Policy and Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs Policy within our General Policies page above