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WLFS Secondary

The Knowledge Schools Trust

We aim to provide children with a classical liberal education, regardless of background or ability.

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Consultation on the Proposed Change to the Over-subscription Criteria for the WLFS Secondary 

The West London Free School is launching a consultation regarding the removal of criterion '8' from the over-subscription criteria for our Secondary school. This will mean that children who will have siblings at the WLFS Primary  and live within two miles of the Secondary school at the time they are admitted, will no longer have this priority.

This change will come into force in time for admissions in September 2026. 

Full details of this change and the consultation process are provided in the letter shown here.

Please see here for the current admissions policy for Year 7 entry in 2025. If parents have any questions, please contact consultation@wlfs.org

Admissions policy

The West London Free School is a publicly funded, co-educational secondary school, which  is part of Knowledge Schools Trust, a multi academy trust.

There are 130 Year 7 places available at the school each year.

In accordance with the School Admissions Code, children with education, health and care plans are admitted under separate statutory processes. Once these places have been offered and accepted, the remaining places will be offered in accordance with our over-subscription criteria. The highest priority is given to looked after children or children who were previously looked after. We also offer up to 12 places for children with musical aptitude. 

We want to ensure that the school serves local families and, after we've offered places to LACs or PLACs, music scholars, children with PPG, siblings and feeder pupils from the West London Free School Primary and Earls Court Free School Primary, category 9 on our over-subscription criteria offers places by random allocation within a two-mile radius of the school.

The admission arrangements of the West London Free School fully comply with the School Admissions Code. Applications for a Year 7 place in September 2025 were made from 1st September 2024 until the closing date 31st October 2024.

 The admissions policy for September 2025 can been seen here.

Application process

The application deadline for Year 7 places in 2025 is 31st October 2024. Applicants will be notified whether they are successful on National Offer Day on 3rd March 2025. For further information regarding musical places, please see the Music Aptitude page.

Applications received after the closing date of 31st October 2024, but before the 11th December 2024 will also be considered and processed by the Local Authority, if there is proof of extenuating circumstances. 

Those applicants who applied on time (and those applicants treated as such) but not offered places on 3rd March 2025 will be placed on our Waiting List. If the West London Free School is oversubscribed, its published admissions criteria are used to decide the order in which applicants will be offered places. Any places not taken up by those we initially made offers to on 3rd March will then be offered to applicants in a second wave of offers, a process which continues until all the places are filled.

For more details on the admissions criteria, please see our 2025/26 admissions policy

Secondary Transfer, September 2025 – Reserve Lists on Offer Day

Any applicant who is in the top 50 on any of the reserve lists on Offer Day will be notified of their position on that list. Those who are positioned any lower than No. 50, are highly unlikely to be offered a place and will not be contacted.

For further information, please find attached here a selection of the most regular questions and answers relating to secondary transfer and the reserve lists.


 If the West London Free School is oversubscribed, its published admissions criteria are used to decide the order in which applicants will be offered places.

If you wish to appeal, please use this link to complete your appeal online. Please do NOT use ANY other appeal form or send your form to your local authority. It is suggested that you download the explanatory booklet about appeals which you should read before you complete the appeal form. Booklet Link  

Timescale for parents to lodge their appeals:

By 4.00pm on Wednesday 2nd April 2025 to guarantee that your appeal will be heard in the first tranche of appeals.  Appeals lodged later may not be heard until the second tranche which could be in September 2025.   You MUST state the reasons for your appeal and supply any documentary evidence at this stage.

Appellants will be set a deadline to submit additional evidence and for the clerk to send papers to panel and parties. Decision letters will be sent out within five school days of the date of the last appeal to be heard.

Please see here for the full timetable. 

The Common Application or eAdmissions Form

When putting your school preferences in order on the Common Application or eAdmissions form, please consider how the pan-London admissions process works when offering places. The Pan-London Admissions Board initially takes all the schools you've named on your Form, regardless of where you've ranked them, and applies the over-subscription criteria of those schools. Once it has worked out which of the schools on your Form you qualify for a place at, then (and only then) does it look at your order of preferences. You'll then be offered a place at the school you've ranked highest amongst the schools you qualify for a place at.

However, it is important to remember that when you are offered a school from your list of preferences, your application to those schools ranked below your offer will be removed from their waiting lists and you will need to reapply if you want to be put back on their list. It is, therefore, essential to place your preferred schools in the order that you want your child to attend, not where you think you are most likely to get a place.